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Django vs. FastAPI

This page provides a comparison of Django vs. FastAPI. Both frameworks are used for web development in Python, but they have different strengths and use cases.

Here's a general presentation and key points for each framework:

✅ Django

Django is a full-stack web framework that follows the "batteries-included" philosophy. It provides a comprehensive set of built-in features for rapid web development, including not only building APIs but also creating complete web applications.

Key Points of Django

Full-Stack Framework

Django offers a wide range of built-in components like an ORM, authentication, form handling, templating engine, and more. This makes it well-suited for building complex applications and complete websites.

Monolithic Approach

Django provides a predefined project structure and enforces certain conventions, which can lead to faster development but also limits flexibility compared to more minimalistic frameworks.

Admin Interface

Django includes a powerful and automatic admin interface, which is useful for managing application data and content.


Django emphasizes security best practices by handling common security concerns, such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS), out of the box.

Learning Curve:

Due to its feature-rich nature, Django can have a steeper learning curve for beginners.

✅ FastAPI

FastAPI is a modern, high-performance web framework designed primarily for building APIs with Python. It focuses on speed, simplicity, and automatic generation of API documentation.

Key Points of FastAPI

API-Centric Design

FastAPI is designed from the ground up to facilitate building APIs efficiently. It's particularly well-suited for creating RESTful APIs or backend services.


FastAPI is known for its high performance due to its asynchronous capabilities and use of modern Python features like type hints. This makes it a great choice for applications with high traffic or real-time requirements.

Automatic Documentation

FastAPI generates interactive API documentation automatically using standard Python type hints. This saves time and effort in maintaining separate documentation.

Validation and Serialization: FastAPI automatically validates request data and serializes responses based on the defined data models.

Async Support

FastAPI leverages asynchronous programming to handle concurrent operations efficiently, making it suitable for applications that require non-blocking I/O.

Learning Curve

FastAPI's simplicity, automatic documentation, and adherence to Python type hints can contribute to a more pleasant learning curve, especially for developers familiar with modern Python features.

✅ In summary

In summary, if you're primarily focused on building APIs and want high performance, automatic documentation, and asynchronous capabilities, FastAPI is a strong contender. On the other hand, if you're looking for a comprehensive full-stack solution with built-in features and an admin interface, and you're willing to work within Django's conventions, then Django might be the better choice. Your decision should be based on the specific requirements of your project and your familiarity with the frameworks.
