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Django App Generator

Introducing Django App Generator (aka Rocket Generator), a tool that aims to help developers generate starters on top of Django, a leading Python framework.

✅ How it works

  • Access the Django Generator page (no account is required)
  • Select the design: Soft Dashboard, Tabler, Berry, Material Kit
  • Edit your DB Settings
  • Edit the fields for the Extended User Model
    • Default: name, phone, bio
  • You can add other models as well
  • Enable the API for each defined model
  • Enable Docker Support

During the process, the user can visualize the app settings at the bottom of the generator. Once confirmed, the platform triggers the generator and the current process can be tracked in the Tasks page.

Select Design

Rocket Generator - Select Design

Edit Database (edit models)

Rocket Generator - Edit Model

Confirm Action

Rocket Generator - Generate the code

Action Confirmed

Rocket Generator - Opration is Confirmed

✅ Download the Code

The generator provides the code in the Tasks page where the new codebase can be downloaded as a ZIP archive or GitHub (public repository).

Rocket Generator - Download Sources.

At this point, the starter should work as expected.

✅ Compile the Sources

The use the product we need to follow the steps listed on the README (sample generated with the above settings).

Clone the Sources

$ git clone

Install Dependencies

$ virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Migrate DB

$ python makemigrations
$ python migrate

Generate the API

$ python generate-api -f

Start the APP

$ python runserver

Rocket Generator - Generated APP (Soft Design)

Access the API

Rocket Generator - Generated APP, API View
