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UI Presentation

The service provides an intuitive UI that aims to make the process as simple as possible. Here are the main sections:

Generator UI

  • Sidebar provides the links to the Generator, Tasks page, SignIN and Support
  • Main Area divided in for cards with the GENERATE button at the bottom
  • Design Section (top-left) empowers the user to select the design
  • DB Settings (top-right) where the user can design the tables, extended user model and activate the API for each model
  • MISC Settings (bottom-left) for Docker and Authentication
  • Project Summary - the section used to visualize current props of the starter

At the bottom, the GENERATE button triggers the generation process and redirects the user to the Tasks page.

Django Generator - UI Presentation

Tasks Page

Once the user confirms the process, he is invited to access the tasks page where progress is recorded. Items are presented starting from the latest ones and for each item the most important properties are:

  • The STATUS, displayed in a green color (if successfull)
  • ZIP Archive link (available for three days)
  • Link to the GitHub repositoy (permanent)

Django Generator - Tasks Page

✅ Compile Sources

The recommended way to use the generated code is to access the GitHub repository, download or fork the project and follow up the build instructions as presented on README file.

As a sample, we can take access this starter generated by the platform and simply execute the steps:

Clone the Sources

$ git clone

Install Dependencies

$ virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Migrate DB

$ python makemigrations
$ python migrate

Generate the API

$ python generate-api -f

Start the APP

$ python runserver

Rocket Generator - Generated APP (Soft Design)

Access the API

Rocket Generator - Generated APP, API View

At this point, the generated starter should run in the browser and the generated code ready to be extended with more features and modules.
