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Deploy Django on DigitalOcean

This page explains how to deploy on DigitalOcean a simple Django Starter generated by the service using DeployPRO, a popular deployment service.

Here are the steps (summary)

  • Access DeployPRO and register using GitHub
  • Connect your DigitalOcean account
  • Create a new VPS Server and wait the full deployment
  • Create a new app or simply fork this sample:
  • Complete the deployment form
  • Confirm the deployment
  • Access the GitHub repository and monitor the progress (GitHub Actions)
  • Visit the app in the browser.

Access DeployPRO

The service allows the registration using GitHub (no password required)

DeployPRO - Registration Page

Connect DigitalOcean

In the connections page, users can connect to DigitalOcean via credentials.

DeployPRO - DigitalOcean Credentials

If the operation is successfull, the connection to DigitalOcean is falled as active.

DeployPRO - DigitalOcean Connection Active

Create new Server

Before deploying the project, a deployment server needs to be created. This operation takes aprox. 5 minutes.

DeployPRO - Create DigitalOcean Server

Once created, we can access the default page and also check out the details in our DigitalOcean account:

DeployPRO - DigitalOcean Server, the default page.

Server Information (DigitalOcean)

DeployPRO - New DigitalOcean Server (on DigitalOcean)

The server state can be also checked on DeployPRO.

DeployPRO - New DigitalOcean Server (on DeployPRO)

Deploy Django

In this phase, the user needs to provide:

  • the repository
  • app name
  • path to the Dockerfile
  • the PORT exposed in Docker (execution entry point)
  • the DeployPRO subdomain

DeployPRO - DigitalOcean & Django, App information

DeployPRO - DigitalOcean & Django, App information in Full

Once the operation is confirmed, DeployPRO will analyze the input and update the repository with all the necessary scripts for the LIVE deployment.

DeployPRO - Deploy Django on DigitalOcean, via GitHub Action.

DeployPRO - Deploy Django on DigitalOcean (GitHub Action) CI-CD flow completed.

Access the APP (browser)

At this point, the Django App should be fully deployed on DigitalOcean, with an active CI/CD flow:

DeployPRO - Django Starter fully deployed on DigitalOcean (CI/CD flow active)
